UBS partnered with the City of Palo Alto to perform a three-year joint study on the design implementation of a geo-exchange heating and cooling system for commercial buildings.  As a result of this study, a white paper demonstrating a 22% reduction in energy costs was published.

Project 1: Geo-Exchange

In partnership with Salas Obrien Engineers and Fine-lite, UBS performed and implemented a direct/indirect lighting study for classrooms to improve light levels and lower electrical usage.  The effects of modifying classroom lighting with photosensitive dimable lights that account for natural ambient light levels were observed.  The project was distributed between six separate school districts.  The study suggested a 15% reduction in overall energy consumed by light fixtures.

Project 2 : Ambient Lighting Control

UBS is currently engaged with the City of San Mateo in a contract for providing home repairs, energy audits, and home energy improvements for San Mateo’s residents.  Through this program the city provides its income-qualified residents with free construction services, energy audits, and concurrently takes the opportunity to make environmentally sound energy improvements to the homes.  To date the program has provided the participating homeowners with a net average of 12% energy savings.

Project 3: Home Repair

LEED Organization - LEED™ - Developed by the U.S. Green Building Council, the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Green Building Rating System® "is a voluntary, consensus-based national standard for developing high-performance, sustainable buildings."


U.S. Green Building Council - Promotes the understanding, development and accelerated implementation of "green building" policies, programs, technologies, standards and design practices.


Building Green - Includes an introduction to green building, a calendar of upcoming events, a green building checklist and tips for making environmental choices on a budget.


Center for Resourceful Building Technology - Offers a guide to resource efficient building materials and a database of suppliers.


Energy Star - Learn how to increase energy efficiency when making home improvements or building a new home.


EPA: Green Building - Tips on energy efficiency, water use efficiency, using green building materials, reducing waste and creating a healthy indoor environment.


Forest Certification Research Center - Search the database to find suppliers of certified wood and certified wood products.


Green Building Design and Construction - Created by California's Integrated Waste Management Board, this website includes green building basics, case studies and a sustainable building tool kit.


Guiding Principles of Sustainable Design - This National Park Service report provides an overview of the decisions involved in a sustainable building project.


NRDC's Building Green: From Principle to Practice - NRDC's guide for building professionals outlines the business reasons to build green and then provides a step-by-step guide to getting started.


Oikos - Green building news, product information, instructional articles and related links. - Directories of green building products and professionals, and a large collection of Internet resources, organized by topic.


American Disabilities Act - Standards for buildings and design of compliant ADA facilities. Extensive


Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) Checklist for Buildins and Facilities - Check list for entities and individuals a technical guide.


Sustainable Building Guidelines
